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skim powdered milk, sifted - 120 grams

butter milk powder - 76 grams

toasted all purpose flour - 40 grams

condensed milk - 350 grams

vanilla - 5 grams

white sugar - 100 grams (for rolling)

1. sift milk powder and toasted flour together, set aside.

2. in a clean bowl add the condensed milk and vanilla, mix together.

3. slowly add the dry mixture while stirring and once all of the dry ingredients are mixed together with the liquid ingredients the mixture will come together like a dough (if the mixture is still dry add more condensed milk slowly until the right texture of the mixture is achieved). --- each brand of powdered milk and flour have different moisture absorption so you really need to adjust the liquid if the mixture is too dry or too wet).

4. Get 1 Tbsp. of the mixture and roll into a small log or small ball then rolls it into the white granulated sugar.

5. Wrap the pastillas into a cello plastic and store them in air tight container.

they can be stored at room temperature for 1 week if the room temperature is very hot if you want to lengthen the shelf life store the finished product in cool dry place it will keep up to 3 weeks.


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