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How to bake MotherBee's Anzac Cookies - Honoring The Heroes

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Cookie Jar Must-Have: Dive Into the Delight of Homemade ANZAC Cookies!

🎖️ Honoring Heroes on Anzac Day: Crafting Chewy Anzac Biscuits 🍪

Anzac Cookies
Anzac Cookies

As part of New Zealand’s cherished Anzac Day, a time to reflect on the valor of brave men who made the ultimate sacrifice, we unite in remembrance through the delightful tradition of Anzac Biscuits. These treats encapsulate the spirit of togetherness and resilience.

Embrace the heartfelt tradition of Anzac Day by creating these chewy Anzac Biscuits. Watch our video to see the process come alive, and let these treats pay tribute to the bravery of those who gave their all. 🇳🇿🍪🕊️

Anzac Biscuits: A Tribute to Valor and Unity

Anzac biscuits, also known as Anzac cookies, hold a special place in the hearts of Australians and New Zealanders. These treats are not only delicious but also carry deep historical significance, dating back to World War I.

Origin and Significance:

Anzac stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The term “Anzac” originated during World War I, when soldiers from Australia and New Zealand joined forces to form a combined military unit. They were deployed to the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey on April 25, 1915, with the aim of capturing Constantinople (now Istanbul) and securing a sea route to Russia.

However, the campaign faced unforeseen challenges, resulting in heavy casualties for both countries. Despite the military setback, the bravery, camaraderie, and resilience displayed by the Anzacs left a lasting impact on the nations’ identities and their shared history.

The Biscuit Connection:

The origin of Anzac biscuits is closely tied to the war effort and the need for durable, non-perishable food items to sustain troops during long journeys and challenging conditions. Traditional biscuits made with eggs and milk wouldn’t survive the journey to the front lines. This led to the creation of a simple yet nourishing biscuit recipe that used basic ingredients available at the time.

These biscuits were designed to withstand the harsh conditions of war and provide sustenance. They were often sent by loved ones to soldiers as a heartfelt reminder of home. The Anzac biscuits were practical and efficient, embodying the spirit of resourcefulness and unity in times of adversity.

Characteristics of Anzac Biscuits:

Anzac biscuits are characterized by their use of rolled oats, coconut, and golden syrup or honey. The absence of eggs in the recipe contributes to their longevity. The biscuits have a chewy texture and a distinct nutty flavor, making them a cherished treat for generations.

Legacy and Commemoration:

Today, Anzac biscuits have transcended their wartime origins to become a symbol of remembrance, respect, and unity. They are traditionally made on Anzac Day, which commemorates the sacrifice of soldiers who fought in various conflicts. The day also serves as an opportunity for people to reflect on the cost of war and the values of courage, mateship, and resilience.

By baking and sharing Anzac biscuits, individuals pay homage to the soldiers’ courage and sacrifice, ensuring their memory lives on. The simple act of enjoying these biscuits becomes a powerful gesture of remembrance and solidarity, uniting people across generations.

As you prepare your own batch of Anzac biscuits this Anzac Day, remember that each bite is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of those who served and a reminder of the values that bind us together.

Get ready for a heartwarming journey with our time-honored Anzac Biscuit recipe. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or just beginning, these chewy delights are both symbolic and easy to master.

Anzac Cookie Ingredients

Estimated preparation time: 50-75 minutes

Estimated Yield: 12 cookies/50g dough

1 cup (135g) All-purpose flour

1 cup (95g) Rolled oats

1 cup (60g) Coconut strings

1 1/2 cup (150g) Brown sugar

1/2 cup (50g) White sugar

2 Tablespoon (40g) Golden syrup/Honey

1/2 cup (112g) Butter, salted

2 Tbsp. (30g) Hot water

1 tsp (5g) Baking soda

1 cup (200g) Van Houten Dark Chocolate, melted

Anzac Cookies Procedure:

For a step-by-step demonstration, watch our captivating video guide here. In the meantime, follow these simple steps to create your batch of Anzac Biscuits:

  1. Preheat and Prepare: Heat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking tray with parchment paper.

  2. Mixing Magic: In a large bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, rolled oats, and coconut strings. Stir them together to form the dry base of your cookies.

  3. Sweet Symphony: In a saucepan, melt the butter along with the brown sugar, white sugar, and golden syrup or honey. Stir gently until the sugars dissolve and the mixture turns smooth.

  4. Baking Soda Alchemy: In a separate small bowl, mix the baking soda and hot water. Watch it fizz and bubble! Now, add this fizzy mixture to your melted butter and sugar concoction.

  5. Bringing It All Together: Pour the sugary, frothy mixture into your dry ingredients bowl. Mix everything thoroughly until you have a beautifully combined, slightly sticky dough.

  6. Shaping and Baking: Grab small portions of the dough and roll them into balls. Place these on your prepared baking tray, giving them enough room to spread during baking. Gently press each ball to flatten slightly.

  7. Into the Oven: Slide your tray into the preheated oven and let the Anzac Biscuits work their magic for about 10-15 minutes. Keep a watchful eye – you’re looking for a lovely golden-brown hue.

  8. Choco-Heaven: Once out of the oven, let the biscuits cool on a wire rack. As they cool, melt the Van Houten Chocolate. Drizzle or dip your biscuits into the melted chocolate for an irresistible finishing touch.

  9. Time to Enjoy: Once the chocolate sets, it’s time to savor your labor of love. Share them with friends, family, or quietly honor the heroes they symbolize with every bite.

Tools and Equipment:

Large and small Mixing Bowl: For combining dry ingredients and mixing the baking soda and hot water together.

Saucepan: To melt the butter and sugar.

Spatula: For stirring and mixing the dough.

Baking Tray: To place the cookies for baking.

Parchment Paper or Silicon mat: To line the baking tray, preventing cookies from sticking.

Wire Rack: For cooling the baked cookies.

Measuring Cups and Spoons: To accurately measure ingredients.

Digital weighing scale: To measure ingredients accurately.

Microwave or Double Boiler: For melting chocolate (if drizzling or dipping cookies).

Oven: To bake the cookies.

Tips for Success:

  1. Measure Ingredients Accurately: Use precise measurements for ingredients to ensure the right texture and taste.

  2. Prepare in Advance: Have all your ingredients and equipment ready before you start to streamline the baking process.

  3. Watch the Baking Time: Keep a close eye on the cookies while baking. They should be golden brown but not overcooked. Over-baking can result in dry cookies.

  4. Allow Cookies to Cool: Let the cookies cool on a wire rack after removing them from the oven. This helps them set and become crisp.

  5. Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh rolled oats and coconut strings will enhance the flavor and texture of your cookies.

  6. Store Properly: Store Anzac cookies in an airtight container to maintain their freshness.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Over-mixing the Dough: Over-mixing can lead to tough cookies. Mix until just combined to avoid this.

  • Not Using Parchment Paper: Failing to line your baking tray with parchment paper can cause cookies to stick and break.

  • Crowding the Baking Tray: Leave enough space between cookie dough balls to allow for spreading during baking.

  • Ignoring the Golden-Brown Color: The cookies should be baked until they're a lovely golden-brown color. Underbaking can result in cookies that are too soft.

  • Not Allowing Cookies to Cool: Avoid handling or moving the cookies immediately after baking. They need time to set and become firm.

  • Using Expired Ingredients: Check the expiration dates of your ingredients, especially baking soda and baking powder, to ensure they're still effective.

Storage and Shelf Life for ANZAC Cookies

Ambient/Room Temperature: ANZAC cookies can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container. Place a sheet of parchment paper between layers to prevent sticking. Ensure the container's lid is tightly sealed to keep moisture out.

ANZAC cookies are known for their long shelf life, making them ideal for storing and enjoying over an extended period. When stored properly, ANZAC cookies can remain fresh for up to 21 days at room temperature.

Here are some tips to maintain the quality of your ANZAC cookies throughout their shelf life:

  • Keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

  • Check the cookies occasionally for any signs of moisture or staleness. If you notice any, replace the parchment paper between layers or consider transferring them to a fresh airtight container.

  • If you have a particularly humid environment, you can include a desiccant packet or a small amount of uncooked rice in the container to help absorb excess moisture.

  • ANZAC cookies are also suitable for freezing if you'd like to extend their shelf life further. Place them in an airtight container or a resealable freezer bag, and they should remain good for several months.

Common questions and answers about ANZAC cookies:

🟣Question: What does "ANZAC" stand for, and why are these cookies called ANZAC cookies?

🟢Answer: "ANZAC" stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. ANZAC cookies are named in honor of the soldiers from Australia and New Zealand who served in World War I. These cookies are believed to have been sent by loved ones to soldiers because they have a long shelf life and could withstand the overseas journey.

🟣Question: Are ANZAC cookies and ANZAC biscuits the same thing?

🟢Answer: Yes, ANZAC cookies and ANZAC biscuits are the same. They are often referred to interchangeably. "Biscuit" is the term used in Australia and New Zealand for what Americans and some other English-speaking countries call "cookies."

🟣Question: What are the key ingredients in ANZAC cookies?

🟢Answer: The primary ingredients in ANZAC cookies include rolled oats, desiccated coconut, flour, sugar, golden syrup or treacle, butter, and baking soda. These ingredients combine to create the distinctive flavor and texture of ANZAC cookies.

🟣Question: Can I make ANZAC cookies if I don't have golden syrup or treacle?

🟢Answer: While golden syrup or treacle contributes to the unique flavor of ANZAC cookies, you can substitute them with honey or maple syrup if necessary. Keep in mind that this substitution may slightly alter the taste.

🟣Question: Do ANZAC cookies contain nuts or other common allergens?

🟢Answer: Traditional ANZAC cookies do not contain nuts. However, if you plan to add nuts or any other allergenic ingredients to your recipe, it's essential to label them appropriately for individuals with allergies.

🟣Question: Can I freeze ANZAC cookies for long-term storage?

🟢Answer: Yes, ANZAC cookies can be frozen for extended storage. Place them in an airtight container or resealable freezer bag and freeze for several months. Thaw at room temperature when you're ready to enjoy them.

🟣Question: How can I keep ANZAC cookies crispy and fresh?

🟢Answer: To maintain the crispiness of ANZAC cookies, store them in an airtight container with a sheet of parchment paper between layers to prevent sticking. Keep the container in a cool, dry place away from moisture.

🟣Question: Can I customize ANZAC cookies by adding chocolate chips or other ingredients?

🟢Answer: Absolutely! ANZAC cookies can be personalized by adding chocolate chips, dried fruits, or nuts to the dough. These variations can provide extra flavor and texture.

🟣Question: Can I make smaller or larger ANZAC cookies, or do they have to be a specific size?

🟢Answer: ANZAC cookies can be made in various sizes according to your preference. However, be mindful of adjusting the baking time accordingly. Smaller cookies may require less time, while larger ones may need more.

🟣Question: Are ANZAC cookies suitable for vegans?

🟢Answer: ANZAC cookies can be adapted to be vegan-friendly by using dairy-free butter or margarine and a plant-based syrup like maple syrup or agave nectar. Check the ingredient labels carefully to ensure all components are vegan.

Ingredients Substitution

Golden Syrup or Treacle:

Substitution: Honey or Maple Syrup

Note: Honey or maple syrup can be used as alternatives to golden syrup or treacle. Keep in mind that they may impart a slightly different flavor to the cookies.


Substitution: Margarine or Coconut Oil (for a dairy-free option)

Note: Margarine or coconut oil can replace butter in ANZAC cookies. Ensure that you use a suitable margarine for baking.

Desiccated Coconut:

Substitution: Shredded Coconut (finely chopped)

Note: If you don't have desiccated coconut on hand, you can use finely chopped shredded coconut as a substitute.

Brown Sugar

Substitution: White Sugar or Coconut Sugar

Note: White sugar or coconut sugar can replace brown sugar if you prefer a different sweetness profile.

Rolled Oats:

Substitution: Quick Oats or Old-Fashioned Oats

Note: You can use quick oats or old-fashioned oats interchangeably with rolled oats in ANZAC cookies.

Lemon Zest or Citrus Flavoring

Substitution: Vanilla Extract or Almond Extract

Note: If you want to change the flavor profile, you can use vanilla extract or almond extract as a substitute for lemon zest or citrus flavoring.

Nuts or Add-Ins:

Substitution: Customize to Your Preference

Note: ANZAC cookies are versatile, and you can add various ingredients like chocolate chips, dried fruits, or chopped nuts according to your taste.


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